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Making socials, social again!

"This is The Next Level of Social Media Marketing"

Our Services

  • Create & foster community both online and IRL

  • Focuses on your business success + ROI

  • Increases brand awareness

  • Keeps you at top of mind of your target audience

  • Easy to track results

Social Media Management 

  • Management of up to 3 platforms

  •  Monthly strategy calls 

  • Content Performance insights

  • Industry & Competitor Analysis 

  • Up to 6 posts per week 

  • High quality captions 

  • Community engagement

Content Creation

  • Professional photography

  • Creative Concepts

  • Editing

  • Videography

  • UGC content

  • Drone videography

Strategic Advising

  • Monthly Strategy Calls 

  • Content Performance insight

  • Content Planner

  • Branded Content Assistance

  • Social Media Education

We Lead from the Front

Medspa owners and beauty service businesses place their trust in us to not just enhance the visual appeal of their social media content for their target audience but also to deliver unprecedented results previously deemed unattainable through social media.

Our approach to social media sets us apart.

We recognize that platforms prioritize quality and community over incessant AI bot interactions and generic Canva graphics.

Genuine growth is rooted in CONNECTION!

We're confident in our capacity to translate your business seamlessly into the social media sphere, ensuring your existing clients stay engaged while attracting new clients eager for your compelling content.

Ready to Cultivate the Community of your dreams?

Let's hop on a quick call and see if we are the best fit for your long and short term business goals.

We value connection at More Than Socials,

you are not hiring a social media manager you are choosing a partner in your social media success to benefit whats really important - your business.

Which Era are you in?

In the dynamic realm of social media, adapt or be left behind.

It is time to define your purpose, stand out, and cultivate a thriving community. Forget vanity metrics; wield social media as a powerful tool for business growth. Stay ahead, build authentic connections, and watch your business thrive."


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